
practical sensory strategies

that will lead you to a life of calm & connectedness.

calming resources

We are bombarded all day long with sensory information.

All that sensory stimuli can feel overwhelming.

Gaining awareness of how sensory information is affecting your body, emotions, thoughts and relationships, and what strategies are helpful to get through your day with a little more ease, can be a game-changer for your mental and physical well-being.

Sensory Assessment

Receive a Customized and Detailed report of your unique SENSORY SYSTEM

This assessment pinpoints your sensory triggers and your strengths, empowering you with life long knowledge to overcome any challenge.

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1:1 Coaching


Are you ready to dive deeper into how sensory regulation strategies can help you feel calmer and more relaxed? I can help!

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Digital Course


Learn practical  sensory strategies to manage anxiety and dysregulation.

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As an occupational therapist with over 15 years of experience, I specialize in helping adults learn sensory regulation strategies in order to achieve greater comfort and tranquility in their daily lives.

Using my expertise as an OT and my personal journey as a sensory sensitive individual, I offer practical solutions and research-based knowledge about how implementing sensory strategies can rewire your brain so that you’ll feel more empowered and grounded in your daily life. 

More About Natalie

We'll shed light on why certain aspects of your life might feel overwhelming, and then utilize your strengths to gain greater self-awareness and understanding toward a more balanced, harmonious life.

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Discovery Your Sensory Profile

Get instant access to the 12-page PDF so you can discover what your Sensory Profile says about you.